Modellbau & Technik Agentur:
Berlin, Germany
By Valentin E. Bueno
Photos by André Kröcher
We've been to Japan, Italy, France and Switzerland. Now courtesy of André, we visit Berlin. One of his favorite model shops in Berlin is the Modellbau & Technik Agentur, or Motag. They are located in the heart of the great city of Berlin (see Map) and carry large range of items, aircraft, armor, ship and auto models, books galore, paints and accessories. Take a look at the photos André sent and start drooling.
Even more interesting are these photos from last year's Christmas party held at the hobby shop. Christmas dinner surrounded by models! If that doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, check your pulse. Hey, André, can I come next year?
The best special shop for both normal and extraordinary wishes of plastic kit modellers in Berlin/ Germany. And best of all, you can visit their website:
Special homepage JG300: (re-launched)
Special homepage JG302: (NEW 2001)
They are members of LUFTWAFFE VERBAND USA, LUFTWAFFENRING BERLIN/ BRANDENBURG/, Gemeinschaft der Jagdflieger e.V., Special Interest Group S.I.G.JG300, and kit club MSC "Hans Grade" Berlin
They are open Mondays thru Friday from 9:00 to 18:30 and on Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00.
Address: 10405 Berlin – Prenzel.Berg
Stra§ burger Strasse 40
Tel. 030/442 84 16
Fax. 030/442 66 33
From what I have seen on the maps of Berlin, they are located quite close to the middle of the city. Alexander Platz being the closest major landmark to get your bearings from. So if you’re in Berlin, visit Modellbau and Technik Agentur!